We found 16 listings with travel dates from October 01, 2018 to January 06, 2019 order by most recently updated.

At least 2 beds
Our house
House in Tuncurry, Australia
Exchange dates not defined
  • 4 4
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: Yes
No smoking: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View AUOC0403
Lovely house with beautiful garden in a village 12 miles from the City of Cambridge
Listing reference star
Usually responds to exchange requests in less than 72 hours
Exchange dates not defined
  • 6 6
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: No
No smoking: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View GB1017089
Nice cottage in the north of Norway - Narvik mountains - no electricity - out door toilet - no car exchange
Not available for exchange
  • 4 4
  • 2 2
  • 1 1
Use/Exchange of car: No
No smoking: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View NO1006161
House in Brugge, Belgium
Listing reference star
Exchange dates not defined
  • 2 2
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: No
No smoking: No
Pet care wanted: Yes
View BE242